General Policy Statement on Health and Safety
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Health & Safety Policy Statement
This is the Health and Safety Policy Statement of Premier Forest Products Ltd (Mill Timber Direct is a division and trading name of Premier Forest Products Ltd.) and it is our intention to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that:
- the health and safety risks arising from our work activities are adequately controlled;
- our employees are consulted on all matters affecting their health and safety;
- safe plant and equipment is provided and maintained;
- articles and substances are handled, stored and transported safely and without risk to health;
- adequate information, instruction, training and supervision is provided to secure the health and safety of all employees at work;
- all employees are competent to do their tasks safely;
- accidents and cases of work – related ill health are prevented;
- workplaces under our control are kept safe without risk to health and have a safe means of access and egress;
- a safe and healthy working environment with adequate welfare arrangements is provided;
- wherever possible we meet our legal obligations in full as outlined in all relevant health and safety legislation;
- we constantly review our health and safety performance and set new objectives annually; and that
- this policy statement and all supporting safety arrangements are regularly reviewed and revised where necessary.
Name: J Walker
Position: Managing Director
Date: 1st January 2018