
As temperatures gradually decrease, leaves start to fall from the trees, and the days become shorter. The autumnal garden changes to an array of vibrant colours. Now is the perfect time to prepare your garden for the coming year. Little changes can have a big impact later on, when the garden reawakens in the spring.

1. Lawn preparation

Small amounts of moss can be removed with a rake, and added to the compost heap. If your lawn has a significant amount of moss, consider applying a moss killer to the lawn first. Lawns that have a lot of moss will also need extra care in the spring. Add grass fertiliser to improve soil quality, to ensure better regrowth later on. If there are any bare patches, now is the time to put grass seed down, before the cold winter frosts appear.

2. Weed control

As the plants start to die back, weeds will become more noticeable. Be sure to pull up all the roots to avoid them growing back next year. With areas of the garden now clear, you may want to add compost to improve soil quality. Alternatively, autumn is the ideal time to make decorative changes. Adding natural timber edging instantly transforms the look of your borders. Likewise, decorative stones are not only visually pleasing but can help to keep weeds away.

3. Fence fixing

It is important to replace any damaged fencing before the weather gets any worse. We stock a wide selection of heavy-duty fence panels, such as feather edge boards. More decorative styles can dramatically change the look of the garden, and are ideal for roses or climbing plants. Sweet peas, for example, can be trailed across the tops of panels in the summer months.

4. Tidying borders

Flower beds and low-maintenance borders are easy to create by adding bark. Not only does it help with weed control, but also creates aesthetically pleasing borders for your autumnal garden.

Autumn is also the perfect time to use any compost left over from last year. Just mix it into the borders with a garden fork. If you don't have a compost bin, our compost will help to not only improve soil quality, but also improves the soil's water retention and control garden pests.

5. Clearing the fallen leaves

During your garden tidy-up, it is important to clear up leaves regularly, to avoid blocking drains or slipping on them after rainfall. Leaves can easily be turned into leaf mould, which makes an excellent soil improver. Leaves can be stored separately in a compost bin, or they can be stored in black bin bags. Remember to add small holes to the bags first, which helps with airflow and decomposition. Make sure the leaves are in a shady place within your garden. By springtime, the leaves will have turned into a crumbling mixture which will be high in nutrients.

6. Making repairs

Autumn is the perfect time for garden improvement and repairs. We stock everything you need to fix sheds, compost bins, sheds and covered areas. Make sure fence posts are checked and replaced so they don't blow down in the storms.

Guttering should be checked to make sure it is free from moss and leaves. Remember to do this once all the leaves have fallen.

A leaking shed roof can cause a lot of damage. We stock shed felt to weatherproof against deterioration. Another way to protect against damage is add a preservative paint to fences, sheds and garden timber, for added protection.

7. Enjoying the colder days

As the weather gets colder, it provides the ideal opportunity to enjoy the changing seasons. There's nothing better than relaxing in front of a roaring fire or log burner and enjoying the long dark - but cosy - nights.